Listen to The Inner Success Podcast where I'll be coming to you weekly and diving deep into the areas of Energetics, High Performance, Leadership and Life. 

Hey I’m Samantha,

a therapeutic coach dedicated to unlocking your infinite potential 

so that you can create a life that lights you up.

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I'm willing to bet you've been so focused on the ‘doing’, the strategy and actions, that you've resisted the deeper inner healing that needs to happen in order to truly be successful. Don't worry, I too resisted this world for a long time.

When I finally embraced that missing piece, not only did it play a big part in my recovery from Chronic Lyme Disease, but it also allowed me to recognise my worth and embrace the power of my potential.

For most of my life

limiting beliefs and toxic patterns ruled the show. I was disconnected from my body, lived for other people’s approval, and constantly questioned my decisions.

I was stuck in hustle mode, trying to prove my worth and forever wanting to finally feel enough.

to show you what's possible and that you really can have it all. A life full of happiness and joy whilst also continuing to strive for your goals. 

Now I'm on a mission...

After 5 years of deep transformational work

as a Psychology Practitioner at the Optimum Health Clinic, helping patients with severe burnout get their life back, I felt the intuitive nudges that I just couldn't ignore.

Becoming an entrepreneur held up the biggest mirror for me and I was able to dive even deeper into my healing. Once it became safe for me to stand out and own my power as a coach, everything changed. I started to see the world differently and I want to show you how. 

I know you want more.

I know you're ready for more.

A life filled with endless memories, success, and happiness, it's all waiting for you.

Now it's your time to move.







How do I work?

As a Certified Therapeutic Coach trained in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Life Coaching, Clinical Hypnosis and Matrix Reimprinting I create lasting transformations using my unique 3 step approach.

Activate Awareness

Cultivate New Patterns

Transform Your Results

You need to understand the patterns keeping you stuck, then you get to work on releasing them. Powerful work starts with powerful awareness.

Next it’s about deep rewiring and healing within the mind and body. Stepping into new beliefs that change the way you see yourself, the world and how you behave.

Now you’ve let go of the beliefs and traumas, it’s time to embody the new version of yourself. That’s when you will create a business and life that truly lights you up. 

Did someone say a levelled-up leader doing it on her terms?! When you step into your authority and own your unique talents, no level of business or job title is out of reach. 

Let’s create Magic

What clients are saying.